Piano-LessonsI’ve always held the belief that words have power.  But maybe I know it so much I forget about it.  How can that be?  Well, if I can talk myself into a bad then I should be able to just as easily talk myself into a good day — right?  Note to Self, if this is true, should really be no more bad days.

Everything I said on the last show with regard to having a miserable week was true.  It was honestly a miserable week.  Plus, when have you known me to work with fiction to fashion anything I do on the airwaves.  It wasn’t the worst week ever.  But, enough that any little blip on radar type activity was enough to set me off with no chance of a calming down for at least an hour to follow.  Little did I know I was about to get a piano lesson during Episode 6: Keep Your Composer — and one I’d learned long ago but failed to utilize.

Life is a lot like a musical instrument.  It sometimes has an odd shape, It sometimes plays along nice and smoothly and, at other times, it will have you skipping to every sour note in the scale. The latter type of weeks will inevitably come and inevitably go.   During the show, when I asked artist and relaxation music composer Sean Beeson if he had any advice for the high-strung; he said: I realize I can’t control everything, but I pray to the one who can.  So true – right?

Like a musical instrument, life also requires some routine practice to help us avoid situations or patterns that hold us back or make us fall flat.  To put it another way: if you were driving on the highway and the person in the car ahead slammed on the brakes — you would react (or, at least I hope — otherwise please don’t drive near me).  You would either swerve or hit the brakes to avoid crashing into the car.  Yet, in life, we often go from 0 to 60 in certain situations  only to end up with some heavy duty damage or a fender bender at the very least.  Either way, damage is damage.

Much like a songwriter puts each note in a proper place and listens closely to make sure nothing sounds odd — that’s exactly we should with ourselves daily.  Maybe it’s time to write down what gets at us, communicate directly with that person who might be making you angry, saying out loud “No, I won’t let you” when we feel the bad day starting.  Sound cheesy?  Well, is the current way working for you?   I’d be willing to be that in no time, we’d become so in tune with ourselves that we’d be hitting more high-notes in life rather than falling flat.



To download a free copy of the relaxation track that Sean wrote exclusively for the show and listeners, click his photo below.  I’ve listened to it countless times and it each is worth it!

Sean Beeson


They say that making it to the Seventh podcast episode is a sign of luck.  And guys, you’re getting lucky.  Ladies too.  You might have heard of the da Vinci Code.  Now get ready for the The duh Frankly Doria Code.  Maybe the key to life is right in front of our face.  I’ll show you what I mean.