Abracadabra! | Headphones and Speakers Blog
By: Mike Doria
I knew these two would be trouble! Minutes after arriving on set of this taping of The Will Edwards Show, SyFy TV’s “Wizard Wars” winners Kyle an Mistie Knight had my I-phone entrapped in a balloon! And, they left without removing it. Siri must be going crazy inside there!
Kyle and Mistie are a husband and wife team performing their hocus-pocus around the world at various venues and on cruise ships. I called Sabrina The Teenage Witch, Samantha from Bewitched — even Jeanie from I Dream of Jeannie. No one was available to help me free my I-phone.
While I work on removing it myself, enjoy this brief clip from the show where you’ll see my I-phone get trapped listen to the Knights chat about how they won Wizard Wars by deceiving famed magicians Penn & Teller.