I’d love to hear your feedback on this story (comment at bottom) . It’s pretty sad when a bouncing baby boy — and what’s supposed to be a bundle of joy for singer, songwriter and Grammy winner Adele — elicits nothing but negatives.  The tweets started flying Sunday when news (and water) broke that Adele had given birth.  Several Twitter users ridiculed the singer for her weight gain during pregnancy.  Uh, isn’t that normal?  To paraphrase one: Maybe Adele should spend less time chasing pavements and more time on things that move.

The 24 year old British pop-star and fiance Simon Konecki have not publicly commented on the tweets — nor should they even dignify them with responses. Below are some of the other culprits — including Joan Rivers.  Granted, she’s a comedian whom I’ve met twice, but it’s still in poor taste.  As for the others, what kind of twidiot thinks it’s okay to start spouting off on a social media platform that boasts more than 100-million users?  Tweets don’t just go away.  The might resurface when these cyber-slanderers apply for a new job.  They might even come back to haunt when Karma kicks in.  I’ll put it this way — which should  be taken as nothing less than a compliment for a woman who has given us incredible music: It ain’t over ’til the fat lady sings.  And based on her #1 Album for a zillion weeks last year — her high notes will be deafening.  You can read more about this  story on Mashable.